Thursday 24 March 2016

See Concept

I found these fab little specs in Paris on one of my many trips scouting around.
They were in a lovely concept store called Merci.  They are now available in various stores across Paris and London and I can absolutely see why...
They are a must for everyone that needs magnified help when reading... my arms just aren't long enough any more and it's really uncool to hold the menu at arms length in one of those swanky eateries.  Mind don't get me onto restaurants in London... maybe that will be my next blog post, when was it acceptable to think £150 per head is reasonable??????
Sorry, back to See Concept, the company was started by a couple of cute French boys straight out of Uni, they sell the brand themselves and the passion remains at the heart of the company.

They vision strength ranges from +0  to +3 they come in an array of colours so that you can be really mad or quite straight, they are bendy and really well priced £29 -£39, so you can buy a couple of pairs to suit your mood.... as you can see I went for MAD!

We also sell the sunnies that also come 0  to +3.

Available in ANNA stores.

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